We display your ads to captured eyeballs!
We display 15 second ads in between heartrate monitoring software to people that visit gyms.
Why heartrate monitoring?
Because workout results are superior when you work out in the right ‘zone’.
our ads are displayed next to the heartrate monitors and are therefore not like the irritating ads that interrupt your favorite TV series.
Why advertise to gym members?
Gym members tend to be local and with discretionary income.
Who is FITAdTv?
Jeremy Wright is the National Sales Director. As a former Gym owner he is passionate about people getting results from workouts. He invented the FITAdTV concept. We pay the gyms from the advertising revenue to introduce heartrate monitoring to their members!
Rene Hollebrandse is the CEO of FITAdTV.
He has a passion for growing businesses that have a positive impact in their communities.
FITAdTV is a Virginia based company.
FITAdTV plans to introduce more and more reasons to persuade gym members to use heartrate monitor driven workouts so that they get the results they need!